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New posts in conv-neural-network

Training dataset with coloured and grayscale images

Transform the input of the MFCCs Spectogram for a CNN (Audio Recognition)

How to stop training when it hits a specific validation accuracy?

Is there any sense to use autoencoder for network with batch normalization?

tensorflow - understanding tensor shapes for convolution

How to improve my CNN ? high and constant validation error

What is the numpy equivalent of TensorFlow Xavier initializer for CNN?

How does the Tensorflow's TripletSemiHardLoss and TripletHardLoss and how to use with Siamese Network?

Does the dropout layer need to be defined in deploy.prototxt in caffe?

caffe conv-neural-network

How is data augmentation implemented in Tensorflow?

How to use tensorflow tf.metrics.mean_iou?

Keras: methods to enlarge spartial dimension of the layer output blob

Understanding batch_size in CNNs

How to share convolution kernels between layers in keras?

Binary Image Classification with CNN - best practices for choosing "negative" dataset? [closed]

How to get probabilities from Resnet using pytorch?

How to include a custom filter in a Keras based CNN?

AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'set_model'

How to specify padding with keras in Conv2D layer?

How to modify freezed layers in training using Tensorflow's Object Detection API?