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New posts in contravariance

Why method defined like "cons[B >: A](v: B)" accepts argument of type which is not supertype of A?

Does C# 4's covariance support nesting of generics?

Expression.Convert doesn't throw InvalidOperationException for invariant value type parameters?

IsAssignableFrom in covariance and contravariance

How can compiler compute automatically co- and contravariance?

Variance in Expression<Func<T,bool>>

Type parameters defining each other? class A<T1, T2> where T1 : Foo where T2 : T1

Benefits of contravariance in IComparer & IEqualityComparer interfaces

c# c#-4.0 contravariance

Why can't List<? extends Animal> be replaced with List<Animal>?

Scala: issues using functions as first class objects

Contra- and Co-variance - CLR via C#

Contravariant types and extensibility

c++ types contravariance

Why does Scala compiler say that contravariant type A occurs in covariant position in type >: A <: Any of type B?

c# Generics "in" keyword

c# generics contravariance

How is the datatype of type parameter decided in covariance and contravariance?

Cannot implicitly convert MyType<Foo> to MyType<IFoo>

MonoTouch and supporting variant generic interfaces

What are good reasons for choosing invariance in an API like Stream.reduce()?