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New posts in context-free-grammar

Keeping State in a Stateless world

Context-free grammar describing regular expressions?

how to parse Context-sensitive grammar?

Using Ogden’s Lemma versus regular Pumping Lemma for Context-Free Grammars

Why is this valid C? --- ({123;}) evaluates to 123 [duplicate]

First and follow of the non-terminals in two grammars

Identity expression, factor, and term?


How is this grammar LR(1) but not SLR(1)?

LL(1) parser implemented with stack: how to build AST?

Making a Grammar LL(1)

What is the difference between Lexical grammar and Syntactic grammar?

Formal Context Free Grammar From Context Free Language

Context free grammar for non-palindrome

Using Parsec to parse regular expressions

If we know a CFG only generates regular language, can we get the corresponding regular expression?

How do LL(*) parsers work?

Any tools can randomly generate the source code according to a language grammar?

Parsing a context-free grammar in Python