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New posts in const-cast

const_cast of a static const member

Remove const-ness from a variable

Avoiding const_cast when calling std::set<Type*>::find

c++ set constants const-cast

Is it safe to remove const via const_cast and invoke a non-const function that does not modify the resulting object?

c++ const-cast

Undefined behaviour with const_cast

Efficiently const_cast-ing a constant reference parameter

Modifying element of const std::vector<T> via const_cast

What is a multilevel pointer?

Why does const_cast remove constness for a pointer but not for a pointer to a const?

c++ const-cast

C++: Why is const_cast evil?

C++ difference between adding const-ness with static_cast and const_cast of "this" object?

c++ static-cast const-cast

How to convert "pointer to pointer type" to const?

c++ constants const-cast

Am I right in saying that const_cast followed by modification on a ref-to-const bound to a temporary is okay?

Convert const char* to QString

c++ qt qstring qtcore const-cast

Is it allowed to cast away const on a const-defined object as long as it is not actually modified?

How to call a non-const function within a const function (C++)

Idiomatic way to create an immutable and efficient class in C++

How to use const_cast?

c++ const-cast

Correct usage(s) of const_cast<>

c++ const-cast

Is const_cast safe?

c++ casting const-cast