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YAMLSyntaxError: All collection items must start at the same column at line X column X

Magento - possible to have multiple tables for a single model?

Symfony2 database config in PHP file

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Reading configuration files in linux device driver

How to add a comment in sqlite3 init file .sqliterc

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Parse appsetting value from string to array of strings

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Set config item (csrf) doesnt work in Codeigniter

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Retrieving Value from Config file in C# Application Doesn't Work

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Fast CGI in Apache: Couldn't bind unix domain socket

How can I apply consistent indentation and formatting to Nginx config files?

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Best way to access PHP super-global variables in Laravel 5.x config file

php laravel laravel-5 config

How does laravel load config files

php laravel config

using interpolation in .env files

IIS 7.5 - Change path of administration.config file

iis config filepath

Angularjs - error to run unit test in official tutorial

Log4j2 - Lookup Plugin (StrLookup) to resolve ThreadName for routing RollingLogFile via Thread

Does laravel cache the config?

php laravel config

Trailing slashes in Jekyll + GitHub Pages site cause 404

C# Configuration Files

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Is there a way to tell Eclipse to "Save all" before building?

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