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New posts in concurrency

Is it safe to have multiple threads writing to the same bool if the value is never read?

When to lock a thread-safe collection in .net ? ( & when not to lock ? )

Is the c++ operator |= atomic with a multicore processor?

java 8 : Are LongAdder and LongAccumulator preferred to AtomicLong?

java concurrency java-8

Assigning a new task to a thread after the thread completes in C++

Concurrently iterating over a BlockingQueue

Concurrent access to static methods which is used to calculate overdue days

java concurrency calendar

Why would 'deleting' nodes in this lock-free stack class would cause race condition?

Non volatile head and tail reference in Java LinkedBlockingQueue

java concurrency

Twitter's Future.collect not working concurrently (Scala)

Running operations in parallel while preserving in-order, incremental output

Core Data Save Error on iOS 10: Unresolved error Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=133020

ios core-data concurrency

Writing buffers to a Java channel: Thread-safe or not?

Do I need client side locking while checking if a key exist or not in ConcurrentHashMap?

Using Clojure DataFlow programming idioms

Tips for debugging hard-to-reproduce concurrency bugs?

What is the performance for Node.js' http.request ? How many concurrent request it can handle?

Is MongoDB thread-safe?

AtomicReference to a mutable object and visibility

How LongAdder performs better than AtomicLong

java concurrency