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New posts in coding-style

When do you use code blocks?

code-style: Is inline initialization of JS objects ok?

javascript coding-style

String equality in Java

java string coding-style

Resources for Java coding style?

java coding-style

Is there any case for which returning a structure directly is good practice?

c coding-style

C++ and coverity issues

JSLint says new keyword is missing [duplicate]

What exactly does this subroutine do?

perl coding-style

Style of addressing attributes in python

python coding-style

correct style for element-wise operations on lists without numpy (python)

Switch statement formatting

What does 'ap' stand for in C examples?

c coding-style

Why do programmers often use idioms like '40+1' instead of the actual number?

c coding-style

One-line `if` return statement with two actions

ruby coding-style

How to declare variables in Android (Kotlin) using Google code style?

kotlin coding-style

Automatically reformat long-lined Java code to 80 columns and still compile? [duplicate]

java ide coding-style

more pythonic way of finding element in list that maximizes a function

Write code list collection to string in c#

inline and good practices [duplicate]

c++ coding-style inline

Is it better to use fwrite() or move_uploaded_file()?