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Rotate NSImageView at its Center to Make it Spin

Cocoa tips for PHP developers?

php c objective-c cocoa

Debugging an exception in a Cocoa app

cocoa debugging

Cocoa equivalent of .NET's Environment.SpecialFolder for saving preferences/settings?

cocoa preferences

Drawing massive amounts of data in NSView, or something else?

Preferences Window Problem (Once Open And Closed, Will Not Open Again)

cocoa preferences

When should I use NSDocument-based architecture?


Why is bitmapImageRepForCachingDisplayInRect: creating an empty image?

Guides, Tutorials or Books about building MacOSX GUI apps with C++ in Xcode? [closed]

How expensive is it to create an NSAutoreleasePool

iphone cocoa

What is the entity for my NSManagedObject?

iphone cocoa cocoa-touch

create custom button with image in interface builder

Can I change an NSDictionary's key?

Putting methods in separate files

objective-c cocoa xcode

Download an save an image file on HDD with Cocoa

objective-c cocoa macos

Cocoa giving error: <Error>: doClip: empty path

any Cocoa control code that I can use that acts as a patch bay?

Creating an NSImage from bitmap data

Cocoa get string width in pixels from font

objective-c cocoa fonts

Should I dealloc @property items?

objective-c cocoa