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Implementing a multimethod in separate files in different namespace

Resolve symbol in macro


What is the purpose of "msg" parameter of "ex-info"?

exception clojure

What is the difference between `&` and `and` in Clojure Spec?

clojure clojure.spec

Clojure: future, agent or core.async for IO

concurrency clojure

Idiomatic error/exception handling with threading macros

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How to dispatch an event from an event in re-frame

Why is my transducer function slower than using ->> operator?

Clojure Lazy Sequences: Equivalents in Kotlin

How to find if a string starts with one of several options in Clojure


Clojure "is" assertion not working as expected

Why isn't there an alter-var-root in clojurescript?

clojure clojurescript

How can I send a file in a POST request?

lisp clojure

How to install clojure-contrib on Windows?

clojure clojure-contrib

Performance Problem with Clojure Array

performance arrays clojure

How do I dynamically load a Clojure script from outside of my classpath from java?

How to setup the classpath when running the jar made from 'lein uberjar'?

clojure leiningen

Clojure: gc overhead limit exceeded, lazy evaluation, pi sequence

What are some well-written open source Clojure applications (not libraries)?


Is is possible for protocols to introduce new state into existing classes?
