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New posts in clojure-core.logic

What does non-relational mean in practice for core.logic?

core.logic stackoverflow when using sets

From defrel and facts to core.logic.pldb

Constraining two vectors to be in the same domain but not be member's of each other

Extending core.logic to custom types

core.logic unification matches value in map but not key

why does the output of core.logic give the same value repeated?

Solving Dinesman's multiple-dwelling example using clojure's core.logic/core.match

Does MiniKanren have the "not" operator?

Listing unique DAG parents with core.logic

Factorial in Clojure core.logic

Extracting elements of a map from Clojure core.logic

How do you use core.logic in a practical way in a larger Clojure program?

Clojure.logic difference with The Reasoned Schemer

Prolog matching vs miniKanren unification

distincto vs. fd/distinct in core.logic

Goal ordering in Clojure's `core.logic`

How to solve math equations using core.logic

How do I connect clojure core.logic to a database?

How similar are Relational Database Languages and Logic Programming?