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New posts in celery

How to test celery periodic_task in Django?

Diagnosing Memory leak in boto3

Prevent celery task from starting until a different task with similar arguments is done

Hi! I'm not able to connect with "heroku redis" on django

Using MongoDB as message queue for Celery

Django-Celery - Resubmit tasks from admin page?

django celery django-celery

celery task eta is off, using rabbitmq

OperationFailure: database error when threading in MongoEngine/PyMongo

In Celery how to update the state of a main task until all his subtasks are done?

python django celery

django database as a celery broker giving connection refused error

django celery django-celery

Celery is not working on my Heroku

python heroku celery amqp

Correct setup for multiple web sites with nginx, django and celery

Celery: selectively clearing queue from Python tasks

What is the equivalent of Celery for Clojure?

clojure celery

Detect whether Celery is available and running

PhantomJS randomly does not exit (using Selenium with Python)

Celery not starting in OS X - dbm.error: db type is dbm.gnu, but the module is not available

macos celery python-3.4

Celery - running a set of tasks with complex dependencies

Celery factory function vs importing celery

python flask celery

Flask with create_app, SQLAlchemy and Celery