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How to enable gzip compression for static Rack sites on Heroku Cedar?

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Heroku compass buildpack compass fail

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Serve using your own binary on Cedar, Heroku

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How to discover the *external* hostname from within a heroku cedar application

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heroku: bash: bundle: command not found

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Heroku Bamboo to Cedar

Heroku error message no Cedar-supported app detected

heroku cedar

Can the runtime of a Heroku app know it's commit id?

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Rails 3.1 and Http Page Caching

Production Rake Tasks Don't Recognize My Models

Static website on Heroku Cedar

static heroku rack cedar

Heroku Cedar and nginx (gzip)

heroku nginx gzip cedar

CSV export in Stream (from Django admin on Heroku)

how to make a simple php app send emails from heroku cedar stack?

php heroku cedar

How to Enable GZIP compression on Play Framework 1 app on Heroku Cedar?

redmine deploy on heroku cedar

Heroku *.js isn't precompiled error

Rails 3.2: Heroku push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected

ruby-on-rails heroku cedar