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How to ignore solid-color image backgrounds when working with convolutional neural networks (CNNs)?

Finding boost-python3 with Anaconda cmake prefix

c++ boost cmake anaconda caffe

RMSprop, Adam, AdaDelta test accuracy does not improve using Caffe

Fully Convolutional Network Training Image Size

How to split a Blob along channels in Caffe

deep-learning caffe

Caffe: Drawing CNN Net

python caffe

Changing the solver parameters in Caffe through pycaffe

Construct caffe.Net object using NetParameter

python ipython caffe

Multiple accuracy layers in Caffe

The speed between ImageDataLayer and LMDB data layer

deep-learning caffe

Unknown layer type (crop) in Caffe for windows

python caffe

What's the difference between Softmax and SoftmaxWithLoss layer in caffe?

Min-Max normalization Layer in Caffe

Caffe SigmoidCrossEntropyLoss Layer Loss Function

How to programmatically generate deploy.txt for caffe in python

How to modify the Imagenet Caffe Model?

deep-learning caffe pycaffe

semantic segmentation for large images

Caffe+Opencv without lmdb

c++ opencv caffe lmdb

Caffe does not make snapshots on SIGINT