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New posts in c#-8.0

Runtime generated expression cannot change dictionary's values

Possibility of external functions as nullable guards?

Making member virtual prevents calling default interface implementation and causes StackOverflowException in C# 8

MaybeNull attribute warns on null reference return

Can a C# class call an interface's default interface method from its own implementation?

CallerArgumentExpression always null

c# .net-core c#-8.0

C# 8 Async Streams vs REST/RPC

How do I create a C# 8.0 Console application?

c# c#-8.0

C# 8 Call default implementation from within concrete type

c# .net c#-8.0

In which cases JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T> actually returns null?

How to use C# pattern matching with tuples

c# switch-statement c#-8.0

out parameters with nullable reference types

What happens if my C# switch expression is non-exhaustive?

c# c#-8.0 switch-expression

Feature Recursive Patterns Is currently in Preview Version of Vs Code

Run enumeration of IAsyncEnumerable twice not possible?

How to set C# version for csi.exe

c# c#-8.0 c#-interactive csi

IAsyncEnumerable<> broken in VS 2019 preview 2 (Core 3.0 preview 1)

C# 8 nullables and Result container

Are there any performance benefits in C# discards?

c# c#-8.0