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New posts in byte-order-mark

 characters appended to the beginning of each file

Export UTF-8 BOM to .csv in R

Reading files with a BOM in Go

unicode go byte-order-mark

Visual Studio 2015 - Advanced Save Options Encoding types missing

Is the byte order marker really a valid identifier?

Dealing with UTF-8 numbers in Python

dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x04 found at line 1703

utf8 without BOM encoding in eclipse

php eclipse byte-order-mark

Hexadecimal value 0x00 is a invalid character loading XML document

c# xml byte-order-mark

UTF-8 HTML and CSS files with BOM (and how to remove the BOM with Python)

Remove multiple BOMs from a file

unicode byte-order-mark

Should Javascript files include the BOM or not?

Reading UTF-8 with BOM using Python CSV module causes unwanted extra characters [duplicate]

Git ignore BOM (prevent git diff from showing byte order mark changes)

Is it possible to get GCC to compile UTF-8 with BOM source files?

gcc utf-8 g++ byte-order-mark

Adding BOM to CSV file using fputcsv

How can I remove the BOM from XmlTextWriter using C#?

Remove Byte Order Mark from a File.ReadAllBytes (byte[])

c# byte-order-mark

Why is R reading UTF-8 header as text?

How to write BOM marker to a file in Ruby

ruby utf-8 byte-order-mark