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New posts in beautifulsoup

BeautifulSoup - scraping text from table does not work

python beautifulsoup

Selecting elements only if have two classes and share the same first one

BeautifulSoup4 can't be installed in python3.5 on Windows7

Python requests fails to log in

Scraping .aspx page with python

Beautiful Soup skip comment and script tags

python beautifulsoup

python SSLError("bad handshake: SysCallError(-1, 'Unexpected EOF')",),))

Is there a shorter way or a pythonic way to generate custom html that follows a pattern using BeautifulSoup?

Extract script contents with BeautifulSoup (4.9.0)

Can't parse tabular content from some search results using post requests

Parsing HTML Tables with BeautifulSoup

How can I prevent closing of tags in bad HTML using BeautifulSoup (python)?

Beautiful Soup find elements having hidden style

python html beautifulsoup

BeautifulSoup: How to remove empty tables, while preserving tables that are partially empty or not empty

beautifulsoup returning data as None that includes <br> tag

BeautifulSoup: How to extract data after specific html tag

Issue scraping with Beautiful Soup

Selenium: Iterating through groups of elements

beautifulsoup: find_all on bs4.element.ResultSet object or list?

"unit tests have failed" for beautifulsoup