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New posts in batch-file

How to find files NOT containing a defined text and output their names into a file?


Why FOR /F sets empty values for repeated numbers in the rest of tokens?


Batch Script - Find and replace text in multiple files in a directory

batch-file search text replace

Batch does not recognize echo

windows batch-file cmd

Why does my .bat file abruptly end after calling another .bat file?

batch-file cmd

Windows batch string manipulation in loop

windows batch-file cmd

How can I run the 64-bit version of a Windows utility (such as msiexec) in a 32-bit batch script?

Check if file was modified after xx days in the past

How to check and correct user input when he omit the extension .exe to kill the process?

batch-file cmd

Batch * wildcard replacement

what does a bang character mean in a windows bat file?

windows batch-file

"delims=#+#" - more then 1 character as delimiter

windows batch-file cmd

Invalid number. Numbers are limited to 32-bits of precision

Windows Batch syntax - Meaning of a colon in a variable's name

batch-file syntax

How are command prompt random numbers generated?

Get cursor position via Windows 10 console VT-100 escape sequence

Literally echo the text "on"

batch-file cmd escaping

Create a .bat file to run an exe as administrator

Use of pushd and popd command with UNC path


Batch, replace a delay expansion string with delay expansion parameters

batch-file replace cmd window