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New posts in azure-sql-database

Connecting to SQL Azure from Azure VM - internal IP or public VIP

SQL server multiple databases with same schema

Timeout on SqlBulkCopy in Azure

SQL Azure: How to alter dbo user with new login

What is the difference between ReferenceTableInfo to ShardedTableInfo in Azure Elastic DB?

TempDB has reached its size quota: How to increase size quota for tempDB on Azure SQL

SSIS: Error from ODBC provider when inserting into Always Encrypted table using CMK in Azure Key Store

Why am I being charged for 7-day PITR? [closed]


How to create an Azure SQL Database user who can CREATE/ALTER/DROP views but not tables, can read data but not INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE/TRUNCATE data?

Reference to database and/or server name is not supported in this version of SQL Server

Could not generate script from SQL Azure

SQL Azure - The timeout period elapsed during the post-login phase

Sql Azure , Truncate and Reseed All Tables


Azure website sometimes can't connect to SQL Azure database

SQL Server stored procedure so fast in local so long in Azure

Connection string for connecting to Azure SQL Database via Azure AD

Caching Strategy/Design Pattern for complex queries

Need to know the number of concurrent connections allowed in Azure SQL Database

"Back Up" not appearing in SQL Server Management Studio 2016 or 17

What is the difference between SQL Azure and SQL Server 2008?