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New posts in azure-sql-database

Populate Azure Data Factory dataset from query

Is SQL Reporting Services available with Azure or any other azure newly introduced reporting services? [closed]

How to change the timezone in Azure SQL Database?

create linked server in azure sql database

How to programmatically create an Azure SQL Database in an Elastic Pool?

Query with a UNION sub-query takes a very long time

Cannot open database "master" on SQL Azure

How do you set up a foreign key in SQL Azure?

Azure Cloud Deploy Keeps Recycling

Unable to display SQL Azure table definition in Visual Studio 2013

How to publish a website with sql local db database to azure using visual studio 2013

azure azure-sql-database

SQL Azure Data warehouse Dynamic SQL Select query

Can I Alter SQL Azure ServiceObjective (Pricing Tier) Using SQL

SQL Azure Database Copy status

Getting the following error while connecting to source server for Data Migration in Azure

Distributed transactions accross Azure SQL and on premises sql server causes errors

Can I use special characters in column name in SQL Server and C# data table

How to connect to a database using Active directory Login and MultiFactor Authentication (MFA)

How to scale SQL azure?

How to set permissions for database in sql azure?

c# azure azure-sql-database