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New posts in azure-cosmosdb

Is it possible to store and query Array Spatial Data in CosmosDB?


Matching millions of people: k-d tree or locality-sensitive hashing?

CosmosDB: Linq vs SqlQuerySpec Performance when querying CosmosDB

c# linq azure azure-cosmosdb

How to group by and order by in cosmos db?


Bug in DateTime handling of Cosmos DB DocumentClient

DocumentDB returning different result count every time on large paged fetch

c# azure azure-cosmosdb

most efficient way to bulk fetch by known IDS


does anyone know if the cosmossdb emulator supports graph api for local dev - or just documentDb api

Insert record into array inside a document in Azure Cosmos DB

DocumentDB IN keyword with Linq


Disable DateParseHandling on document deserialization


Partial Update Support on Azure DocumentDb with MongoDB protocol

DocumentDB PartitionKey and performance

Invoking Rest API using Powershell - CosmosDb

SQL Query DocumentDB in Azure Functions by an integer not working

Cosmos DB - Insert Multiple Records with Python

python azure azure-cosmosdb

Mocking GetItemLinqQueryable and Extension method ToFeedIterator()

c# moq azure-cosmosdb

Cosmos DB Graph Edge partitioning

How is Cosmos DB data supposed to be structured

Converting created document result to POCO
