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Why there are two keys for Azure DocumentDB (primary and secondary)?

azure azure-cosmosdb

Session Consistency and the .NET Client SDK


Detecting update and deletion in Cosmos DB using CosmosDbTrigger in an Azure Function

Gremlin query to get in and out edges for a given Vertex

CosmosDB SQL query that matches multiple values in an array


CosmosDBTrigger on Azure Function without Lease Collection

「 The 'expireAfterSeconds' option is supported on '_ts' field only. 」 error is showed

Mongorestore from localhost to cosmosDb fails with "disable retryable writes by specifying "retrywrites=false"

Trigger in CosmosDB not fired?


Azure Table Storage vs Azure Document DB - performance comparison?

Update query in Azure Cosmos DB [duplicate]

azure azure-cosmosdb

Is "Where In" querying like in Sql Server possible in DocumentDB?

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Azure CosmosDB Table API - table.CreateIfNotExists() call hanging


Fastest way to insert 100,000+ records into DocumentDB

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