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New posts in azure-ad-b2c

Forgot Password in ADB2C - (AADB2C90118), How to run a specific user flow?

Automate creation of Azure AD B2C Tenants

How to get current login user's username & email address in C# Azure B2C authentication without Graph API?

Login redirect a user with Azure AD B2C from an Angular application and msal.js

Using MSAL.js in SPA for Azure B2C Authentication - Pop up window an issue?

Define application specific user roles in Azure AD B2C

c# azure azure-ad-b2c

Azure AD B2C - Local IDP with "Username" not providing username claim


Change Azure AD B2C User Password with Graph API

Define Azure AD B2C vs B2B uses and differences

Azure AD B2C customization template errors

Find a User by Email Address

Azure AD B2C Authentication with Azure AD Multi-tenant

B2C Popup on iOS: "My App" Wants to Use "b2clogin.com" to Sign In

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how do we renew idtoken using msal?

AD B2C forceChangePasswordNextLogin for user flow "Sign in v2" doesn't initiate a password reset and prevents a successful login

Azure AD B2C logout after session timeout

Token returned by B2C is not decoded by JWT.MS

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Can Azure-AD B2C use a mobile telephone number as a username?

Azure B2C Email Validation Template Customization

email azure azure-ad-b2c

Authenticating to Azure AD with Self Signed Certificate using Xamarin Forms