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New posts in azure-ad-b2c

Return emails on custom policies

azure azure-ad-b2c

Issue with Azure AD B2C oauth/OpenIdConnect

Azure AD B2C Token Issue

Azure AD B2C - Refresh_Token refresh claims via REST (Identity Experience Framework)

Azure AD B2C Single Page App Roles

OAUTH-KV Claims Resolver in AAD B2C does not work

Azure AD B2C - how to propogate new user claims to the Access Token


Bypassing Email Verification within Azure AD B2C during Signup Signin on Mobile app

Azure AD B2C App Service Auth password reset

Azure AD B2C - Use Graph API to populate "Authentication Email"

azure azure-ad-b2c

azure ad b2c session doesnt expire

azure azure-ad-b2c

Can Azure AD be used with SAML based Identity Providers?

http 400: size of header request is too long when signing in user using Multifactor authentication

Azure B2C and Login Hint

redirect_uri_mismatch Azure AD B2C with angular using MSAL

Azure AD B2C - Multiple sub domains

How can the Azure Active Directory Authentication Service be forced to reissue an id_token with updated claims?

How do I implement a single login interface for multiple providers in Azure AD B2C
