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How to specify join types in AWS Glue?

pyspark etl aws-glue

How do I set multiple --conf table parameters in AWS Glue?

HIVE_UNKNOWN_ERROR when running AWS Athena query on Glue table (RDS)

How to import python file as module in Jupyter notebook?

How to Trigger Glue ETL Pyspark job through S3 Events or AWS Lambda?

Would someone be able provide an example of what an AWS Cloudformation AWS::GLUE::WORKFLOW template would look like?

AWS Athena - duplicate columns due to partitionning

AWS Glue job consuming data from external REST API

How to turn pip / pypi installed python packages into zip files to be used in AWS Glue

Reading parquet files in AWS Glue

AWS Glue transform a struct into dynamicframe

AWS Glue Bookmarks

AWS Glue: get job_id from within the script using pyspark

Why is input_file_name() empty for S3 catalog sources in pyspark?

AWS Glue job hangs when calling the AWS Glue client API using boto3 from the context of a running AWS Glue Job?

How to get Glue development endpoint URL inside CloudFormation template?