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New posts in autofixture

AutoFixture/AutoMoq ignores injected instance/frozen mock

Omitting a specific field with CreateMany from AutoFixture

c# unit-testing autofixture

AutoFixture as an Automocking container vs Automocking differences?

Applying DRY to Autofixture "Build" statements

c# autofixture

AutoFixture and private properties

c# autofixture

Autofixture and Moq v4

Are integer numbers generated with AutoFixture 3 unique?

c# autofixture

Ignore virtual properties

c# autofixture

Creating recursive tree with AutoFixture

c# unit-testing autofixture

Use AutoData and MemberData attributes in XUnit test

Easy way to specify the value of a single constructor parameter?

c# autofixture

How to get AutoFixture create an integer that is >0, and not another number?

c# random int autofixture

How can I tell AutoFixture to always create TDerived when it instantiates a TBase?

c# autofixture

Applying [AutoFixture] SemanticComparison OfLikeness to sequences / collections / arrays / IEnumerable

How can I create and populate my mock classes with Autofixture?

c# autofixture nsubstitute

Creating a domain model without circular references in Entity Framework

Creating an AutoFixture specimen builder for a type

c# autofixture

What are the differences between MOQ and AutoFixture?

Generate dictionary with AutoFixture

c# dictionary autofixture

Example of how to use AutoFixture with NSubstitute