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How can I create and populate my mock classes with Autofixture?

Currently I'm using EF6 to implement my repositories inside a UnitOfWork. I also have created an In-Memory mock implementations (MockUnitOfWork & MockRepository) so that I can use them in unit tests, however I now have to deal with the tedious setup of the objects.

Isn't this what Autofixture is designed to do? How would I go about getting a MockUnitOfWork that I can use in my tests that contains Foo and Barr repositories that are populated? I'm using NSubstitute for my mocking framework.


public interface IUnitOfWork
    void Save();
    void Commit();
    void Rollback();

    IRepository<Foo> FooRepository { get; }
    IRepository<Bar> BarRepository { get; }


public interface IRepository<TEntity> where TEntity : class
    Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IOrderedQueryable<TEntity>> orderBy = null, string         includeProperties = "");

    IEnumerable<TEntity> Get(Expression<Func<TEntity, bool>> filter = null, Func<IQueryable<TEntity>, IOrderedQueryable<TEntity>> orderBy = null);
    TEntity GetByID(object id);

    void Insert(TEntity entity);
    void Delete(object id);
    void Delete(TEntity entityToDelete);
    void Update(TEntity entityToUpdate);
like image 511
WhiskerBiscuit Avatar asked Mar 12 '14 04:03


1 Answers

You're trying to do functional testing here, so it would be wise to have a functional database.

EF can recreate and destroy your database in your setup and teardown methods with a test connection string. This would provide a real functional testing environment for your tests to operate against mimicking the real environment.


        public static void SetupFixture() //create database
            using (var context = new XEntities())

        public void TearDown() //drop database
            using (var context = new XEntities())

        public void Setup() //Clear entities before each test so they are independent
            using (var context = new XEntities())
                foreach (var tableRow in context.Table)
like image 65
C Bauer Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 07:09

C Bauer