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New posts in auto-increment

do I have to specify integer length when creating an id field in MySQL through phpMyAdmin?

mysql autoincrement is not sequential in innodb

mysql auto-increment

How to generate AUTOMATIC Number in Teradata SQL

sql auto-increment teradata

SQLite: *prevent* PRIMARY KEY value from resetting after delete all rows [duplicate]

sqlite auto-increment

Slick - Inserting a row into two tables linked with an auto-incrementing key?

prevent autoincrementing integer primary key?

Auto Increment reset to 0, but cannot insert value with id=0. Does not happen for values >0

How do i append an auto increment primary key to another field in the same table?

mysql yii auto-increment

Multiple autoincrement ids based on table column

Who is responsible of the auto-incrementation of a primary key between MySQL and Hibernate?

How do I not waste Generator values when using them server side with Firebird?

Problem with auto-incremented "id" column

Is it always neccessary to hide the mysql generated id from the user?

How to add autoincremental field in OpenERP 7?

MySQL - autoincrement to guid

mysql guid auto-increment

How to make InnoDB table not reset autoincrement on server restart?

mysql innodb auto-increment

Make auto increment fill previously deleted number [duplicate]

mysql sql auto-increment

SQL INSERT INTO returning autoincrement field

sql auto-increment

Getting latest inserted auto-incremented record id using fat-free-framework

MySQL: Multiple Primary Keys and Auto Increment