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New posts in augmented-reality

SceneKit: Programmatically use "Procedural Sky" option from Scene Inspector?

ARCore – Rendering objects 200m far from camera

How to calculate quadrangle for visible part of vertical plane?

How to load 3d model with .obj and .mtl file in Vuforia Augmented Reality iOS sdk

How to reset or restart the ARCore session?

Is it possible to save Cloud Anchor to local storage for using it later?

Augmented Reality (AR) For React Native Project [closed]

location-based Augmented Reality Framework (Android, iOS) with 3D POIs? [closed]

Can't feed a MDLMesh container with 3D model as SCNGeometry

Augmented Reality - Using only GPS

ARKit: Placing a 3D-object on top of image

Is it possible to access multiple cameras from ARFrame?

How to rotate and scale an homography

Marker based initial positioning with ARCore/ARKit?

Axis change the rotation axis three js

why ARCore Supported device Limited?

JavaScript QR Code Reader - can it be done? Or, Remote Service?

Computer Vision and AR libraries availabe for Android?

Calculate bearing between two locations (lat, long)

ARKit Plane Detection - Value of type 'ARView' has no member 'session'