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AspectJ pointcut on method variable, is it possible?

@AspectJ pointcut for subclasses of a class with an annotation

java aop aspectj

AspectJ - Weaving with custom ClassLoader at runtime

java classloader aspectj

Spring request scope in an async service? Implement ThreadScope over threadLocal variable, plus an AsyncAspect to clean up

Checking whether or not entities/objects belong to the currently logged-in user with Spring

Can AspectJ weave through sun.net.* packages?

java aop aspectj aspect

AspectJ - pointcut to match a method that has generic parameters

Please suggest some tutorial for learning pointcut expression [closed]

java aop aspectj pointcuts

Dependency Injection into Spring non-managed beans

How to get the value of an annotation parameter for usage in AspectJ?

spring aspectj pointcut on logging with slf4j

spring aop aspectj slf4j

AspectJ: Access private fields?

java aop aspectj

How to determine implemented interfaces for jms connection factories using Spring 3.2.1, Jboss AS7, Aspectj 1.7.1 java 1.7?

com.sun.proxy.$Proxy error on creating pointcut on jdbcTemplate

Aspect Advice for Spring Data Repository doesnt work

Maven + AspectJ weaving for Java8

Does there exist a Babel like compiler for Java?

How to prune a Java program

java aspectj variant pruning

spring aspectj - compile time weaving external jar

Error when using AspectJ AOP with Java 7

spring aspectj java-7