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How to install dependencies for a project that is being cross-compiled on an x86 host for an arm target

Machine regularly segfaults [closed]

How do I completely clean-up or reset a Python installation on Ubuntu

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Vagrant + Chef + apt: Is it possible to install a specific version of a deb package on a Ubuntu VM?

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Install package in running docker container

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apt vs wsgen vs wsimport .Confusion on what to use when and why not to use the other

How to install PHP 5.6 on Raspbian wheezy?

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add PPA failed in Docker container

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Generating equals / hashcode / toString using annotation

Can't install Docker - Hash sum mismatch (Ubuntu 18.04, Vagrant, Virtualbox)

Package manager on the Docker Machine default VM?

mysql 5.7 community server non-interactive apt install

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Could not find method apt()

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How to cache packages which have been installed via `apt-get` in Travis CI?

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processing of annotations inside a method body

Is there a C# equivalent of Java's Annotation Processing Tool (apt)?

How to install gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg on Debian 8 Jessie (No installation candidate)

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Dpkg Python module?

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Debian apt error: "The following signatures were invalid: NODATA 1 NODATA 2" [closed]

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How to install Python bindings originating from an apt package?

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