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New posts in app-code

Cannot add App_Code folder to WebSite project

Unable to access class from app_code

App_Code folder in ASP.NET project in VIsual Studio 2010

Class Library Project VS App_Code - Pros / Cons?

App_Code folder to dll in vs2013

Intellisense missing in App_Code, for bin dlls in Website Project

reference app_code classes in web application project

Clean conflicting class files from Temporary ASP.NET Files

the relative file path in asp.net's app_code

App_Code folder created automatically in published website

My ASP.NET App_code changes not getting picked up (or are cached??)

c# .net iis-6 app-code

My ASP.NET Web Application cannot 'find' any of my classes in the App_Code folder ..?

asp.net webforms app-code

How come classes in subfolders in my App_Code folder are not being found correctly?

c# asp.net namespaces app-code

why I can't use code files from app_code in my code asp.net c#

Why I cant use Html.RenderPartial in razor helper view File in App_Code Folder?

AppCode doesn't prompt RxSwift classes and some other installed CocoaPods

NET: Best Practices/guidelines for dividing namespaces between files?

Base class includes field but type not compatible with type of control

Unable to call App_Code class from a code-behind