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ProxyPass modifies 304 status to 200 and adds content-type

Configure Tomcat8 behind Apache with HTTPS

How to map a subdomain to a tomcat 8 web application running on port 8086

How to prevent Apache hangs when PHP APC cache completely fills up?

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Restrict "static" sub-domain aliases to non-HTML files, otherwise redirect to "www"

Need help analysing the VarnishStat results

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Close TCP port 80 and 443 after forking in Django

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Tomcat Current thread count

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How to refer to the current directory in htaccess

Upgrade to Python 2.7.10: Target WSGI script cannot be loaded as Python module

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MONO 4.6.2 High CPU Usage on Server

WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 400

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Apache HTTP Server 2.4 LDAP (Active Directory) Authentication

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Session mix up - apache httpd with mod_jk, tomcat, spring security - serving data of other user

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How to Simulate & Test URL rewrite rule in Apache 2, when on sharehosting RewriteLog is disabled/unallowed in .Htaccess?

curl: provide user and password for apache .htaccess file

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