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New posts in apache-spark-dataset

scala generic encoder for spark case class

Kryo Serialization for Spark 2.x Dataset

Read parquet into spark dataset ignoring missing fields [duplicate]

How to do non-random Dataset splitting on Apache Spark?

How to find first non-null values in groups? (secondary sorting using dataset api)

Spark DataSet filter performance

How to use both dataset.select and selectExpr in apache spark

Printschema() in Apache Spark [duplicate]

How to split multi-value column into separate rows using typed Dataset?

Find column index by searching column header of a Dataset in Apache Spark Java

Spark Dataset unique id performance - row_number vs monotonically_increasing_id

How to traverse/iterate a Dataset in Spark Java?

Spark Dataset and java.sql.Date

Reading JSON files into Spark Dataset and adding columns from a separate Map

Why dataset.count() is faster than rdd.count()?

Spark java : Creating a new Dataset with a given schema

How can I add a column with a value to a new Dataset in Spark Java?