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New posts in apache-kafka

ClickHouse Kafka Performance

apache-kafka clickhouse

Spark Structured Streaming app has no jobs and no stages

Confluent 4.1.0 ->KSQL : STREAM-TABLE join -> table data null

apache-kafka ksqldb

Kafka transaction failed but commits offset anyway

Cannot connect to single-node Kafka server through Docker

@KafkaListener concurrency multiple topics

apache-kafka spring-kafka

Use the same topic as a source more than once with Kafka Streams DSL

What is the command for getting the list of Consumers of a particular topic in Kafka


How do I stop attempting to consume messages off of Kafka when at the end of the log?

Why enable Record Caches In Kafka Streams Processor API if RocksDB is buffered in memory?

Kafka Connector for Oracle Database Source

How change topic leader or remove partition after some broker down?

Java heap space - Out of memory error - Kafka Broker with SASL_SSL

Are SQS and Kafka same?

apache-kafka amazon-sqs

Unexpected Kafka request of type METADATA during SASL handshake

Kafka get to know when related messages are consumed

Can a kafka consumer group freeze during a rebalance

How to use kafka.group.id and checkpoints in spark 3.0 structured streaming to continue to read from Kafka where it left off after restart?

How Kafka guarantee the messages order while we increase the partitions in runtime?

Could not find io.confluent:kafka-protobuf-serializer:6.0.0