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New posts in apache-commons

Resolve a path name with .. parent directory specifiers ("dot dot") without resolving symlinks

Java Apache Commons getPercentile() different result that MS Excel percentile

Can I use Apache HTTPClient without Commons-logging.jar

CollectionUtils in java using predicate

Mutually exclusive options using Apache Commons CLI

Difference between String.getBytes() and IOUtils.toByteArray()?

How to preserve file permissions when using FileUtils.copyDirectory?

java apache-commons

Uploading a file to a FTP server from android phone?

Speed up Apache Commons FTPClient transfer

java ftp apache-commons

When should I use Apache Commons' Validate.isTrue, and when should I just use the 'assert' keyword?

How to replace a placeholder in a String with a SimpleDateFormat Pattern

How to find elements in a collection by property?

How to check if collection contains any element from other collection in Scala?

What is the difference between Apache Commons Lang3 vs Apache Commons Text?

Create objects in GenericObjectPool

Java commons-cli, options with list of possible values

Genericized commons collection

What is the best List implementation for Large lists in java

Get median from number series using Apache Commons Math

Apache commons daemon "Failed creating Java" error