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New posts in apache-commons

Copy POJO content from one bean to another

java apache-commons

Text file into Java List<String> using Commons or Guava

Apache Commons CLI 1.3.1: How to ignore unknown Arguments?

escaped html won't unescaped (now: unescaped html won't escape back)

How to load multiple configuration files using apache common configuration(java)

Guava Vs Apache Commons Hash/Equals builders

java guava apache-commons

How to create CommonsMultipartFile object given only a file

Compress directory to tar.gz with Commons Compress

Create a folder hierarchy through FTP in Java

java ftp apache-commons

Apache Commons XMLConfiguration - how to fetch a list of objects at a given node?

java orm apache-commons

Map that could be iterated in the order of values

How to compare two Collections for "equivalence" based on fields from different Java classes?

prunsrv.exe Service not starting up

java apache-commons procrun

Convert java Map to custom key=value string

java map guava apache-commons

What sort of equality does the Apache Commons ObjectUtils equals method test for?

duplicate classes in commons-collections and commons-beanutils

java maven apache-commons

Is there an equivalent to Java's ToStringBuilder for C#? What would a good C# version feature?

apache commons configuration loads property until "," character

Is there an alternative to StringUtils.isNumeric that does what I mean?

java apache-commons

What is the difference between maven dependencies org.apache.commons:commons-io and commons-io:commons-io?