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New posts in anti-patterns

Misused design patterns

Is there a name for this anti-pattern/code smell?

Is passing around ActorRef to other Actors good or bad ?

Extending singletons in PHP

Are there any documented anti-patterns for functional programming? [closed]

the significance of java RMI please? [closed]

Is it an antipattern to use angular's $watch in a controller?

angularjs anti-patterns

Dependency Injection best practices and anti-patterns

What is spaghetti code? [closed]

terminology anti-patterns

Avoiding parallel inheritance hierarchies

Ravioli code - why an anti-pattern? [closed]


Embedded systems worst practices?

embedded anti-patterns

What is the name of this bad practice / anti-pattern?

c# anti-patterns

How to prevent the arrowhead anti-pattern

What anti-patterns exist for JavaScript? [closed]

javascript anti-patterns

C# Antipatterns

c# anti-patterns

Singleton in go

Why is "element.innerHTML+=" bad code?

How to block users from closing a window in Javascript?

Are subversion externals an antipattern?