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New posts in ant

Build.xml gives issue.."CreateProcess error=87, The parameter is incorrect"

windows ant build.xml

Define a list or a set of variables in ant

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Ivy - resolve same dependency twice (with two different versions), to two different files

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How can I make an ant prompt use the default value if not entered within a given time?

ant input timeout

How do I programmatically upload a file to a github repo's Downloads area?

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Can't delete a symlink using ANT Script

ant symlink delete-file

Difference between setting classpath in build.xml using fileset and pathelement

java ant classpath build.xml

ant command from powershell - dot used as delimiter for parameter?

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How to create a function or script in ant file?

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Gradle - how to run ant task with "-" in name

ant gradle cobertura

Class in jar not found at runtime, but was used to compile

Ant build failing, "[javac] javac: invalid target release: 7"

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SocketTimeoutException when Ant building in Eclipse

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How to enforce HTTPS in ivy?

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Where do I get the Antlr Ant task?

ant antlr parsing

Need to set path (cp) in ant script depending on value of a property


How to make deleting .svn directories work using ant?

svn ant

Using Ant to merge two different properties files

ant build merge properties

Ant script: Prevent duplication of JAR in javac-classpath war-lib

ant war

How can I use something like an array or list in Ant?

ant ant-contrib