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How can I make verbose output for specific task or module in Ansible

ansible ansible-2.x

Get the full path of the symlink target in Ansible


How to resolve "could not locate file in lookup" reading id_rsa.pub?

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If else in ansible print statement

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Ansible module for aws extras analgous to the yum_repository

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Ansible conditional user based on platform


Passing variables between nested playbooks


Set env. variable in ansible apt module

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Running the Following Playbook syntax appears to be correct but getting following ERROR!- 'blockinfile' is not a valid attribute for a Play

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Is possible to define ansible_tmp variable in playbook?


How to change ansible verbosity level without changing the command line arguments?

ansible ansible-2.x

Restore Selinux file context in ansible on multiple directories

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Ansible Python API: how to pass extra vars to playbook

ansible ansible-2.x

Ansible tag include_role is not working for ansible version 2.3


How to fix permission denied error when trying to install packages using Ansible?

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How do I make an idempontent shell in Ansible


loop over hosts in jinj2a template, respecting --limit

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Display Ansible configuration from command line


How to Install python3.4.3 with Ansible

How to specify case insensitive mode in ansible lineinfile regexp?

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