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New posts in ansible-2.x

How to run ad hoc docker compose commands in Ansible?

Get exact Ansible command that is being executed

ansible ansible-2.x

"ansible_failed_task" & "ansible_failed_result" variables are undefined when rescue block is in a file

Alternatives for flush_handlers in ansible

ansible ansible-2.x

Access ansible.cfg variable in task

ansible ansible-2.x

How do I use an inventory file for Ansible ad-hoc commands?

Ansible run always role

ansible iam_user deletion does not work

ansible ansible-2.x

issue while including another playbook in ansible?

ansible devops ansible-2.x

Ansible **sporadically** fails with host unreachable - Failed to connect to the host via ssh

using {{item}} inside a regexp in a lineinfile task of Ansible

ansible yaml ansible-2.x

Ansible parse stdout_lines to verify values of a particular item

ansible ansible-2.x

get a particular host name's ip with ansible

In Ansible v2, which variable stores the ssh username?


apt_repository module fails ansible

ERROR! this task 'apt_repository' has extra params

Amazon Linux machine - Ansible ansible_distribution* variables major release distribution

'dict object' has no attribute 'stdout' in Ansible Playbook

Undefined variable when running Ansible play

reading json like variable in ansible

ansible ansible-2.x