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New posts in annotation-processing

Android multi modules annotation processing

AnnotationProcessor option not recorgnized by any processor

How can I use Dagger2 in IntelliJ on java projects

Checking for absence of super class in annotation processor

Integrating javassist byte code manipulation with maven compilation

Get TypeElement from Generic TypeParameterElement for Java Annotation Processor?

Get package name and parametrized type from a field element - Annotation Processor

Get package name of a annotated class within AnnotationProcessor

Setting the generated source directory for annotation processors in Maven

Get IntelliJ to recognize classes generated by AnnotationProcessor

How to get method body from ExecutableElement

Annotation Processor, Getting Modifiers of Method Parameters

Using an Annotation Processor to create a list of classes with a certain annotation

Messages with level Diagnostic.Kind.NOTE (and others) on Annotation Processors

Programmatically invoke Annotation Processors

Handle TypeMirror and Class gracefully

Maven project build fails in IntelliJ when annotation processors are used (google/auto-value)

How do you use Java 1.6 Annotation Processing to perform compile time weaving?

Modern Java Annotation Processing