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New posts in angularjs-scope

Angular $scope won't update in bootbox callback

Is there a way to watch attribute changes triggered from outside the AngularJS world?

What is the maximum size of data that can be stored in angularjs scope? Performance of the application with heavy scopes?

Does ng-init watch over change on instantiated property like ng-model does?

Angularjs unit test watch callback not getting called even with scope.$digest

Calling service method from a directive template

How To Get Data Back From Angular Directive

Render an AngularJS directive only after $scope.myVar is defined

How to prevent that a scope is shared among directives n Angular?

AngularJs ng-if function call from same controller not working

How to apply a function to an angularjs expression inside a controller?

angularjs $watchGroup with controller as syntax

angularjs angularjs-scope

Why can't I overwrite the value of a variable like this?

Angular "=" scope does not work with camelCase

Validation doesnt work for File Input with 'Required' attribute- AngularJS

AngularJS 1.5 - How to Set Two Way Bindings on Component

Returning scope items to parent scope with $mdDialog.show()

AngularJS Expression in Expression

Set checkboxes as checked using angularjs

Set default value inside ngSelect