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404 not found when serving angular app with http-server [duplicate]

angular angular2-routing

Is there a more comprehensive way to handle authentication in Angular2 rc3 than guards?

Angular2 ComponentRouter prevent automatic component reuse [duplicate]

angular angular2-routing

How to create dynamic route in angular2?

angular angular2-routing

Subscribe to child route changes in master/detail example in Angular 2

angular angular2-routing

Angular2 routing in heroku

Angular2 Firebase Set User Custom Propertise

Prevent scroll to top before router navigate to another page when using angular 2 router resolve

Angular 2 routes load different component based on type of parameter

angular angular2-routing

Angular 5 navigate

How to show login Component when app loads first instead of appComponent in Angular 5

Angular 2 Routerlink in for loop

angular angular2-routing

Angular2.0 router works for components not modules?

How can I navigate to lazy loaded module child routes?

angular angular2-routing

Angular 2 routing redirect not working

angular angular2-routing

Angular 2.1.2/2.2.0 dependency injection instance undefined

Cannot read property 'visitExpression' of undefined after copying module

Serving static html outside Angular4

ASP.NET 5 + Angular 2 routing (template page not REloading)

Error: Cannot reattach ActivatedRouteSnapshot created from a different route