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New posts in angular2-modules

Angular2 Lazy Loading Service being Instantiated Twice

Share an external module between lazy loaded modules in angular2

Does import of unnecessary modules in AppModule slow down the Angular 2 app?

Inherit imports from parent module to child module in Angular2

Angular 2 define data models for multiple modules

Can't bind to FormGroup since it isn't a known property of 'form' (FormsModule, ReactiveFormsModule loaded)

Angular 2: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve

Unexpected value 'MyCustomModule' imported by the module 'AppModule'

Angular2 - 'Can't resolve all parameters' error while injecting http into a custom service

Angular2 router: how to correctly load children modules with their own routing rules

How to declare a directive globally for all modules?

How to share service between two modules - @NgModule in angular not between to components?

Angular2 module has no exported member

How to route to a Module as a child of a Module - Angular 2 RC 5

Lazy Loading BrowserModule has already been loaded

error TS1192: Module '" A.module"' has no default export