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New posts in android-viewpager2

HowTo Nest ViewPager2 within a fragment

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Page can only be offset by a positive amount

ViewPager2 not able to dynamically add remove fragment

Why is the Android ViewPager2 class final?

ViewPager2/Tabs problem with ViewModel state

BottomSheetBehavior with ViewPager2 can't be scrolled down by nested RecyclerView scroll

Page(s) contain a ViewGroup with a LayoutTransition (or animateLayoutChanges="true"), which interferes with the scrolling animation

ViewPager2 | View.ClickListener not called

How to fix 'Design assumption violated' error in ViewPager2?

Open ViewPager2 to particular position without scrolling

TabLayoutMediator not preserving TabItem attributes

View Pager with previous and next item smaller in size with infinite scroll

BottomSheet + ViewPager2 drag to hide not works

ViewPager2 crash

FragmentStateAdapter not recreating currentFragment after notifyDataSetChanged

ViewPager2: setOnTouchListener() doesn't call

Fragment no longer exists for key FragmentStateAdapter with Viewpager2