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New posts in android-tv

Implement and design Android apps for TV

How to implement TvView on Android TV?

Display.getSupportedModes() returns only 1080p display mode on 4K Android TV

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Ongoing status for Android TV apps? (What to use instead of notification bar on Android)

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How to use setRowViewSelected of ListRowPresenter

Stuck in Charles Proxy Certificate Installation for Android TV / Fire TV

How to differentiate a D-pad movement from a Joystick movement?

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How to set default focus item in Android jetpack Compose

How to run an android TV app on real TV

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Making AndroidTV app workable on FireTV

How to make TV item expandable when be selected, like homepage's recommendation?

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react native flatlist androidTV focus issue

Android TV how to make a tab on the top of screen?

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Remove top margin from BrowseFragment in Android TV

What protocol does Android TV Remote use?

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