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New posts in android-support-design

How to autohide v7 appbar when scrollin hides it partially - android

How to make bottom sheet push toolbar out when expanding and pull it back in when collapsed?

Floating action button will not disappear when going to another fragment

com.android.support:design:28.0.0 - Version 28 is the last version of the legacy support library

TextInputLayout Crashing in Android Lollipop and Above

Setting behaviour of Floating Action Button programmatically

Android NestedScrollView's child views ignoring first click

Toggling visibility AppBarLayout views causes spacing issues for loaded Fragments

Attribute already defined with incompatible format (Original attribute defined here)

NavigationView with multiple group hide & show group based on Condition

how to set height of BottomSheet full parent?

FloatingActionButton with Multiple Actions

Change toolbar back arrow color

TextInputLayout counter to the top

IndexOutOfBoundsException in TabLayout in android support design lib