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New posts in android-optionsmenu

android - change options menu dynamically , but by inflating from XML

How to change Options menu dots color for the theme "Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar"

Hide options menu on PreferenceFragment

java.lang.illegalstateexception: a factory has already been set on this layoutinflater

Clicking hamburger icon on Toolbar does not open Navigation Drawer

How to hide OptionsMenu on NavigationDrawer using Fragments?

Disable menubutton in the android emulator

openOptionsMenu() will not work in appcompat-v7 22.1.0 or newer

Changing options menu icon in actionbar depending on an open Fragment

Android actionLayout not showing with Toolbar

onCreateOptionsMenu() called twice in Fragment

OptionsMenu of Fragments in Viewpager showing each other's Buttons

Android options menu icon won't display

Warning when canceling ActionBar Overflow menu on Android 4.1.x

Pressing menu button causes crash in Activity with no ActionBar

Toolbar options menu background color

Android: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid payload item type

How to add toggle button in menu item in android

How can I use onCreateOptionsMenu in a Fragment within a tab Activity? (Sherlock ActionBar)

onCreateOptionsMenu() calling super