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New posts in android-multidex

Java.lang.ClassCastException: Android.support.v7.widget.ContentFrameLayout cannot be cast to Android.support.v7.widget.ContentFrameLayout

Dagger 2 and Multidex application

Android: SugarORM and multidex

Android ProGuard +MultiDex causes ClassNotFoundException

Execution failed for task ':app:shrinkReleaseMultiDexComponents'

Android Multidex RuntimeException

Android Studio Lint - set API level for lint

Android - What is the purpose of multiDexKeepProguard ? How does it compare to proguardFiles close in gradle?

How can I check the dex count in android?

Twitter Fabric +MultiDex causes NoClassDefFoundError

Android Espresso multidex fail

multiDexKeepFile not working

Enabling MultiDex Support in Android to achieve 65K+ methods in Eclipse

Is there a way to limit method amount in main dex file while using MultiDex feature in Android Studio

multidex - NoClassDefFoundError with multidex enabled

Gradle DSL method not found : 'multiDexEnabled()'

Androidx MutliDex: The number of method references in a .dex file cannot exceed 64K