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New posts in android-lifecycle

Android. Fragment stays in activity after screen rotation issue

In Android, what's the difference between force stop and kill process

does the async operation in flutter still running even when the app is closed or killed off

MutableLiveData setValue: Unexpected behavior in Activity's onCreate

OnPause is called right after OnResume

Best Way to "Refresh" LiveData Provided by Room Database

Empty savedInstanceState Bundle when restoring a Fragment after double Rotation in replacing Fragment

Can Android kill my app while it is in the middle of a loop execution?

Why this strange behaviour of the `by lazy` delegate in fragments

Can a user interaction trigger events before OnResume has finished?

What is the difference between requireActivity and onActivityCreated

No super method getLifecycle() after migrating to androidx

In Activity.onCreate(), why does Intent.getExtras() sometimes return null?

Activity life cycle methods : onPostResume significance